Shipping & Returns

By making a purchase, you agree to the following:

BitCoin Commodities
Dennis Daiber
Kantstrasse 74
10627 Berlin
USt-IdNr: DE279330777
will send you items according to your order.
You will receive a confirmation email.
We will not sell, rent, lease or otherwise give away your private information.
You may at any time request cancellation of your account to the store.
It is that simple.

Insurance information
Apparently, the process to have your items shipped insured was a little complicated.
To make it easier on all of us, I have decided to ship only insured and registered mail from now on.
This means that the basic fee for insurance is always included in the shipping costs.
Also, all product prices will reflect this change in such a way that all prices will be raised by 2% to cover insurance fees.

BETA [not working]
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